Date: Wednesday 26th April Time: 4.30 – 6.00pm (45 minute presentation, followed by 15 minutes question time and 30 minute tea/coffee) Venue: Level 7 Seminar Room, Queensland Brain Institute (Building #79) The University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus Speakers: Mr Chase Sherwel
Presented by Dr Maryam Ziaei (co-authored by Dr Mohammadreza Bonyadi and Professor David Reutens), Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Advanced Imaging & Science of Learning Research Centre at the University of Queensland Wednesday 8th March, 4.30 to 6pm Level 7 Seminar Room
Click here for the Summer 2016 – SLRC Bulletin From all of team SLRC, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy, safe and restful Christmas.
How can powerful teaching strategies and effective learning activities enhance deep learning? Featuring SLRC investigators Annemaree Carroll, Merrilyn Goos, John Hattie, David Reutens and Pankaj Sah This education course has been developed for educators and education leaders. It explo