The Australian Council for Educational Research has today published an article in the “Teacher Magazine” written by Stephanie MacMahon, Paul Wiseman and Kelsey Palghat from the Science of Learning Research Centre (SLRC), the article was written during a writing retreat for
The SLRC congratulates University of Melbourne-based SLRC Chief Investigator Rob Hester on his recent promotion to full professor. Congratulations Professor Hester on this well-deserved promotion. SLRC Advisory Board member Professor Perry Bartlett has been named as the 2017 Queensla
Pearson Australia have published a Q&A session with SLRC’s Jared Cooney-Horvath, please visit the “Alway’s Learning” newsroom website to access the full interview.,-educati
The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) have today published an article in their “Teacher Magazine” written by Jo Earp featuring an interview with SLRC’s Chief Investigator Professor Ross Cunnington titled “Wearable tech giving classroom insights