Time: 4.30 – 6.00pm (45 minute presentation, followed by 15 minutes question time and 30 minute tea/coffee)
Venue: Level 7 Seminar Room, Queensland Brain Institute (Building #79) The University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus
Speaker: Ms Amanda Bourgeois
Title: Adolescent Emotions in the Classroom
Educational settings play a vital role in the development of young people, their learning capacity, social relationships, and their ability to function, all which are directly fuelled by their emotions. There is no question that the classroom is a highly emotional setting; however emotional research in the classroom is still emerging as an increasingly important topic. To date, the majority of educational research on emotions has been linked specifically to test anxiety and achievement emotions, and little research has focused on emotions experienced by the student in a classroom. This mixed-methods study explores the emotional experience of disadvantaged Australian adolescents, as well as the causes for these emotions in a classroom setting. From this research a computer-based application is being developed and trialled to measure these real-time emotions and triggers. Further research on emotions in the classroom setting is necessary to assist educators in a greater awareness of how daily practice assists in developing emotional competence.
RSVP (for catering purposes): https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/adolescent-emotions-in-the-classroom-amanda-bourgeois-tickets-26599442649?ref=estw
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