Prof Martin Westwell named as 2018 ‘Alby Jones Gold Medal Award’ recipient The South Australian Branch of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders has announced its 2018 awards, honouring “educational leaders who have made a significant contribution to education, educational lea
Date: Monday 26th March 2018 Time: 4:30 – 5:45pm (45 minute presentation, 15 minutes question time followed by 15 minutes tea/coffee) Venue: Level 7 Seminar Room, Queensland Brain Institute (Building #79) The University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus Speakers: Sophie Murphy, (Univers
Earlier this year, SLRC was featured in the ARC publication ‘Making a difference: Outcomes of ARC supported research 2016-17’. This publication is a snapshot of research outcomes derived from research projects funded by the ARC National Competitive Grants Program and includes a piece
Congratulations to SLRC Chief Investigators who have been awarded funding for multiple Discovery Projects announced by the Australian Research Council on Friday 10th November 2017 for funding commencing 2018. Eight of our researchers have been awarded funding for seven different Proje